The Fourth Industrial Revolution Program
UAE Industry 4.0
UAE Industry 4.0 is one of the main pillars of Operation 300Bn. It aims to accelerate the digital transformation of the industrial sector, support leading industrialists throughout their journey, boost the sector's productivity and create thousands of new, high-skilled jobs..
Why Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 is redefining sources of competitive advantage for firms and nations, promising a quantum leap in productivity and sustainable industrialization.
Catalyze your digital transformation with our Industry 4.0 initiatives
Take the first step towards your digital transformation today
The Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology is deploying the 4th Industrial Revolution Readiness Index to assess the digital maturity of processes, technologies and organization of a manufacturing plant. The index also identifies priority areas for improvement prompting the formulation of digital transformation strategies.
Assess Digital Maturity
Formulate Digital Strategy
Kickstart Transformation
Join our Champions 4.0 Network initivatives
The Champions 4.0 Network showcases successful Industry 4.0 solutions from UAE-based enterprises and technology providers. Through on-site and virtual visits and webinars, the program will help the UAE's industrial base realize the full range of benefits that Industry 4.0 offers. Contact us if you would like to become a Champion.
Showcasing technologies
Promoting Collaboration
Sharing Knowledge
Talent 4.0
Talent 4.0 offers a range of training programs to raise awareness on the benefits of Industry 4.0 technology adoption. It will drive the UAE's industrial sector to become a leading supplier of 4IR solutions.
Understanding Key I4.0 Concepts
Recognizing Business Opportunities
Developing workforce of the future